It's only red. How powerful it is.
You can't simply stop eating a chunk of cheese.
I'm loving burning incense for the last few days.
「赤」にだけチャンネル合わせて これはこれで
So it's been quite a while... I had been kind of reluctant to spend hours and hours to post one entry here for the last few weeks. (I wouldn't count the last one on Nov. 25 since I didn't really write anything on it. ) as I had so many things I wanted to do. However, at the same time, there are so many thing I'd like to... or simply feel like I should talk about, so I just try to spend no longer than 90 mins to finish this post. ah, tough.
Ok, so here's one nice big news.
As I had mentioned in my blog about a month ago
Mes Photos Œuvres Vont Paris パリへゆく ←the entry
my photography works "Playing Alone" went to Paris and were being exhibited in fotofever Paris 2014 from Nov. 14- Nov. 16 right underneath the grand Louvre Museum (here's the most exciting The good new is, they were sold, three of them. People not only spent their time looking at my works but also ended up purchasing them!! I was really, really, thrilled. And happy, of course. I just wanted to visit each one of those people and say "merci merci."
一ヶ月前ぐらいにブログで、私の作品 "ひとりあそび" がパリで11/14-16の日程で開催されるfotofever Paris 2014というアートフェアで展示・販売されるということを書きましたが、
Mes Photos Œuvres Vont Paris パリへゆく ←そのブログ
それがこの間終わり、最終的になんと持っていった6点の内3点が売れるという結果になりました!正直1枚でも売れたら万々歳だなぐらいにしか思っていなかったので(笑) これには非常に驚いて、とても嬉しかったです。買ってくれた人に会って「メルシーメルシー」言いたい。
Ok, so it's already two hours (shoot) and I guess I should just finish up.
Recently, I'm so obsessed with making a short movie myself. Not a serious one. (But as I'm writing, i don't know what serious is. Cuz I'm seriously enjoying when I make them.) My next photography work will be something to do with a short video footage.
I cleaned up my house and organised most of my stuff. For the first time in my life as a photographer, I feel like a real photographer now.
Even though my life has been changing so dramatically ever since I started living in Tokyo about two years ago, it is quite something how my life is getting more and more exciting for the last few months. I can't wait next crazy thing to happen in the future
I started learning French to visit the country next year for a flea market. It's fun.