When I take pictures now, I shoot film 99% of the time unless there's a need for digital.
But it is only 4 years since I bought my first film camera at B&H used camera department in N.Y.C. in the winter of 2011. As a student of the photography department at CCSF, it was required to take this "Advanced B&W Photography" class which I needed to get a whatever film camera (as cheep as possible) for. I was all like "God, why can't we just stick to the digital?? Film?? come on! "
Well, it's funny that NOW I am such a film freak. I really appreciate the b&w class and the professor Mr. Nishi, a meek Japanese (Okinawan) American guy who forced me to get a film camera. It was one of the greatest things that happened in my life.
The reason I had brought this story is because I just found some photos I took just after getting my Nikon FE at B&H and thought I might put some of them here. Somehow they're all about food.
There are..
lovely fluffy pancakes,
yummy chubby cream cheese
and cheesy pantsy cheese pizza (I don't even know what I'm saying).
So here you go, I love you, America.
冗談かのように寒い2011年の1月、ニューヨークのB&Hで、ユダヤ人の兄ちゃんから最初のフィルムカメラ NIKON FE を買いました。なにも分からなかったけど、今考えても、使いやすいカメラでした。その1年半後、ぶっこわれたこの子の代わりに、なぜかいきなりライカM3に行く訳ですが
とにかく 私を無理矢理フィルムの世界に引きずり込んだあのクラスとプロフェッサーMr.ニシには感謝しているのです
しかも 美味しくなさそうな食べ物の写真ばかりだったので その特集をやろうかと思ったのです
Nikon FE, $150 something at B&W, now broken /
2011年冬、NYC、B&Wで適当に買った中古のニコンFE。1年半くらいで故障 使いすぎた
Pancakes in East Village. Heavenly. / パンケーキ 天国の味
BACON & CHEDDAR CREAM CHEESE! / ベーコン&チェダーチーズのクリームチーズ ゥー!
A Pizza from "Mozzarella Di Bufala" in San Francisco, boy's all the time favourite. / アンドリューとジェフとアーロンが大好きだった、Mozzarella Di Bufalaのピザ 一枚+@な理由がわからない