Three big bags on my both hands, with one huge-as-well backpack hanging from my shoulder, I tried go through the big antique wooden door to the outside world of Buenos Aires. I'd got a tons of laundries to do, which I couldn't have done in Brazil. Now I have three different antique iron keys for this cute apartment I'm staying, and after two days, finally, it seems that I can tell which one is which.
The apartment is REALLY fancy. Best living place I've ever experienced, seriously. Since being here is 10x better than seeing these photos, I shall not put a lot of pictures. To imagine is much more usable. 息が詰まるくらいに美しくて可愛いアパルトメント 実物の素敵さを写真だと3割くらいしか表現できないので、写真は割愛 想像におまかせ
Passing the little Empanada place ran by a cute old guy, I headed to the laundry place the lady living upstairs at the apartment kindly told me about, telling me it was cheap. As a Empanada freak, btw, I am so excited with the fact that I have all-day access to my loving empanadas from where I live. uuuu.
Five minutes later, I finally arrived the laundry place and I saw two little kids that seemed like a sister and a brother playing together inside. As they saw my face, they shouted something but of course I couldn't understand AT ALL. With those big buggies I probably looked like a fool cuz the next moment that little girl ran towards me and quickly flipped the sign saying "Aberto(OPEN)" with a big beautiful smile. Ok, it's closed for some reason I will never know.
大きな木の扉がバタンっとしまり、石畳の道を歩く。このアパルトメントのある通りだけ石畳で、昔使われていたであろう路面電車の線路も残っている。とってもいい雰囲気。すぐ下のエンパナーダ屋さんを通り過ぎて、アパルトメントのお姉さんに教えてもらったおばちゃんがやっているランドリー屋さんにいく。どうでもいいけど、私は昔からエンパナーダが大好きで、エンパナーダへいつでもアクセスがある今の状況は内心死ぬほど嬉しかったりする。話をもどして、お姉さんが「28ペソで全部洗濯物やってくれるのよ!おすすめよ!」と言っていたランドリーに着くとそこの子供と思わしき小さな男の子と女の子がキャッキャキャッキャ遊んでいて、こちらの顔をみて「;*`.,>D;@:;q;:;:; !!!」となにか言ってくれたが、あんまり私が理解してないポケーッとした顔をしているので、お姉ちゃんのほうがタタタッとこちらに走ってきて「Arberto(営業中)」となっていた札を目の前でクルットひっくり返してニタッと笑った。前髪がパッツンで可愛いよく日に焼けたアジアの女の子だった。
Fortunately, I had found another laundry place when I was talking a walk yesterday. That place was ran by a old couple and was open, thankfully, and I did my best to show my desire to laundry. He understood, I was relieved.
To use washing machine once was 22 pesos, which is equivalent to 3 dollars. It is actually expensive. The coffee I got yesterday from fancy coffee stand where a hipster girl who was fluent in English costed 40 pesos, which is almost like 6 dollars. Oh my god. The funny thing is though, a bottle of red wine, say Cabernet Sauvignon, only costs like 18 pesos (2.5 dollars) at every liquor store. Just like two buck chuck wine of TJ.
「洗濯 したいの これ ほら いっぱい ネ ?」
In Brazil, we had to wake up in the early morning, do video shooting all day, and fly to the another destination without knowing the each city fro the entire 11days. In Argentina, it's opposite. We have literally nothing to do, and do not even try to go out from the apartment. Because the time here is just so rich and beautiful, we don't really need to do anything but still be able to enjoy the time. We just wake up when we wake up, and brew coffee, eat some fruits, toast slices of bread, cook eggs and fresh veggies we got from the market. It is just so simple and I love it. I couldn't help remembering the days in San Francisco, and became a little sentimental.
Anyway, cooking is the form of art, I love it.
Argentina, at least here Buenos Aires, is only two hours from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Yt the city has total different look and atmosphere from Brazil, which I found very interesting. There is no black people (I haven't seen even one yet), little Latin people, and a lot of white people that I found out 90% re Italian-origin. The city was designed to become like Paris in South America, and it succeeded in one way and failed in one way. I haven't been to Paris, but I would probably like this city better than Paris. It is not too fancy but cool, chill, and cheep in a delicate way. South America is really interesting as they have so many faces.
Since it was rainy all day yesterday, today is a beautiful sunny day.
My original plan was to lay down on the couch in the terrace under the blue sky, and listen to Ira Glass of This American Life. But it was too hot, and I had to give up.
My alternative plan was to study Espanol, which I'm doing pretty seriously as I felt so sad and frustrated not being able to understand the menu at a cafe and a restaurant I went yesterday. Interestingly, as long as it is related to food, I can learn really easily and quickly.
テラスでボケーとしながら、久しぶりに大好きなポッドキャストTHIS AMERICAN LIFEでも聞いて過ごそうかと思っていたけど、想像以上に暑くて断念する
代わりにスペイン語の勉強 と言っても、レストランで読めなかったメニューの全翻訳・頭に叩き入れ作業なんだけど(メニューが読めなくて、食べたい物が食べられないのが悔しすぎて)それにしても大学時代に学んだスペイン語の知識はどこに飛んでいったんだろう。教科書に載っていた「君の電話番号、教えてくれる?」というフレーズだけは覚えてるのだけど
unidad unit/each
medialuna croissant!!!
pan casero y manteca
casero homemade
manteca butter
tostada toast
mermelada jam
queso cheese
"dulce de leche” caramel
Te tea
saborizado flavoured
maedicinal healing
comun common
o or
canela cinnamon
licol liqueur
ginebra gin
menta mint
manna apple
jamon ham
cocido cooked
jamon cocido cooked ham
crudo raw
pavita/pavito turkey
traviatas cracker
Okay, two pages out of twelve pages of the entire menu was successfully translated. and stored in my head
Next time, I will not get any deep fried stuff or a chunkd of canned tuna top of a bowl of cold rice.
In this trip to South America, I was reassured that my passion and love towards food is really something. I am crazy for food and will stay as foodie for the rest of my life without any doubt. In three years, I may not be doing a lot of photography job but instead working as a food columnist or something. That will be great.
Actually I am going to do photography tomorrow.
It is too sad to bring all those unexposed film as unexposed to Japan.
というかいつかやりたい、天職だ きっと
写真全然撮ってないや フィルムあんなに持ってきたのに