It’s been two and a half years since I took an international flight the last time. Haven’t been surrounded by the number of white people like now, and interestingly I found it kind of refreshing.
It was actually my first time to take a flight of any European flight companies, and already found a lot of difference between the one of the u.s. and this one. The female flight attendants are all comparatively young (the comparison is done with UNITED), and big, and I don’t know, “energetic”. German people are german people, they are not just white people. (The same is said to American people, too, but you know, they are so diverse.)
How exciting that they include alcoholic drinks in their free drinks. White wine? Sure. Baileys? Why not. Just ice please.
I still can’t figure out what Beef Goulash and Finger Potato were, though. They were good, at least. The finger potato wasn’t either finger or potato. By the way, this experience let me realise how much I rely on my smartphone everyday. I probably should start captivating my own knowledge more, rather than just borrowing the ”instant knowledge” from wikipedia.
Anyway, the reason I started writing this whole sentence was that I wanted to note how this airplane is now filled with the smell of NORI seaweed. Completely. Seriously, that was the pure reason to put my macbook pro out and opened Page application.. The reason of this seaweed incident was simply the Onigilies they just finished offering with the other choice of (apparently German) pound cakes. I took a cake, but now am wanting an onigily. How powerful Nori smell is.
2年半ぶりの国際線 白人と呼ばれる人達がこんなに沢山いる空間が久しぶりすぎて、なんだか初めてアメリカに行った時のような新鮮な感覚を覚えた。そしてそんな自分に驚く。
あと何故か巻き寿司 何故か人参巻きと紫蘇&黄瓜巻き 精進料理みたい ハムとのバランスか
メインは選べて、①牛肉のグーラッシュ、フィンガーポテト、ジャーマン紫キャベツ ②豚角味噌煮&白米
グーラッシュ、未だよく分からない 赤ワイン煮だろうか
調子のってそれも飲んでたら、結構酔いました。気分冷ますのにオレンジジュースもらって飲んでたら、今度は駅弁販売よろしく、綺麗な添乗員さんが”You want?”とオニギリとケーキを持ってきました。寝ぼけてたので思いっきり日本語で「これなんですか。」と言ってしまったけど、よく見るとまじでコンビニのオニギリみたいなオニギリが左半分んに敷き詰められていて、右半分はドイツっぽいパウンドケーキ達。なんとなくパウンドケーキをもらう。まだ食べてない、きっと甘いんだと思う。
After the 12 hrs of flight, I am now on the land of Frankfort, Germany. Literally my first time in Europe.
Even in the first 30 mins spent in their airport, I’ve already fallen love with lots of things, especially their sense of color.
That blue hanging from the ceiling… that yellow used for the cute ATM machine… and this pink on the telephone receiver of T-mobile.
Why can’t Japanese people simply do this?
If anybody ask me which blue I like, the Frankfort blue I’m seeing right now or Japanese blue which is used for the national soccer team, my answer is Frankfort, 120% sure, and it stays the same for the rest of my life.
I always wish that I had two blue eyes, even for one minute so that I could experience the colours they are seeing every day.. It will gonna be so exciting.
My future plan of living in Europe is pretty much fixed now. No reason not to. I don’t still know which country I would choose for that; the candidates are France, Austria, and German. I’m actually really satisfied with the service I received from Lufthansa airline, though. The flight attendants were all so charming and nice, happily offering me everything I asked. A German guy who checked my unexposed film bag at the gate was really charming, too. I can’t forget his sweet smile.
あの青 あの黄色 何気なくあるピンク
ロイヤルブルーというのかな どことなくマゼンタが混じっている
デザインもね 素敵なんだよ
ミニスカートの女の子 かわいいし
ルフトハンザ航空、評判通り最高でした 添乗員の人達、みんなキュートで親切
こんな贅沢な土地、いつ住めるかな アートも面白いしね
ゲートでxxがかかってるのが 嬉しかったりする 今