最近 炭酸水風呂にハマってます
重曹 大さじ2
クエン酸 大さじ1
塩 てきとう
あとは気分で アロマオイル
肌ツヤツヤ 体ポカポカ
やりすぎると 体チクチクするから お気をつけて
I'm addicted to sparkling water recently, which is in this case, to bathe in it.
What you need to make your bath sparkling is:
Baking Soda > Table Spoon 2
Citric Acid > Table Spoon 1
Salt > Up To You, Whatever
That's it
It starts bubbling like crazy, so fun
You may add a few drops of aroma oil
Your skin gets smooth, and your body gets warm
Just be careful, you began to feel itchy if you do it too much, like everyday, like I did.