佃でお日様サンサンの隅田川を眺めながら 豚モツ煮を食べていた
白米は つきたて 炊きたて ツヤツヤのほっかほか
焼きたらこ 野沢菜の漬け物 大根と柚子の漬け物 生しらすと大根おろし
ほんとは塩辛、ピンクじゃなくて カフェモカ色
美味しいご飯は 美味しいね
I thought I left for work this morning, but something must have happened
Since the next moment, I found myself eating a bowl of pig gut stew as looking down Sumida river which were reflecting beautiful sunlight.
The white rice was freshly refined and cooked, all shiny and soft
There were a baked cod roe, the pickled daikon radish as well as the pickled nozawana leaf, and the raw young sardine with the ground daikon radish.
The gut stew was stunningly good so I learned the every step to cook it
The next time I'm at home, I will make it for my family.
Salty pickled squid was also something fantastic and what I learned how to cook
The real one, doesn't come in the color of pink but more like the color of Cafe Mocha
The bottom line is "Good food is good."