5/8(金)から、tokyo arts galleryで 新作を一点だけ展示します
参加する作家は19名 全員1点だけ あとは写真集
わたしはいつも通り ギリギリで
ようやく今日 閉店時間が過ぎたラボで 脳が溶けるほど悩んだ果てに 作品の仕上がりを決めてきました
勢いで決めたので すでにどういう仕上げにしたのか思い出せません
初日の5/8には18-20時でオープニングレセプションがあります 是非お越し下さい
最近 自分がどういう形で写真を続けていくか よく考えます
ただ 70%のものを100個提供するより 120%のものを3個提供するほうを選ぶので
職業→色々楽しくうっかり稼ぐ 写真→いいものが作れれば何でもいいマイナスでもいい
ぐらいがいいのかも なんて
暗室からの朝帰り 山手線に揺られながら ウトウトと思ったりしたのでした
I'm going to join an photo exhibition starting on May 8th. More infos HERE.
All 19 photographers are to put only one work. And a photo book.
As always, I didn't have enough time and decided my photograph at the very last moment, Then finally today at the photo lab I could tell them to cut like this and that and to put acrylic board on like this and that. I don't even remember what I said already.
Recently I ponder how I should keep doing my photography.
I am, unfortunately, the type of person who cares all the details that nobody would care and so then ends up spending too much time and money.Maybe the best way to live my life is to 1. have a job which you can enjoy and make good money with and 2. make only great photographs if you make any.
I was kind of thinking something like that as I was half asleep on Yamanote train on the way back home from darkroom this early morning.