A week ago, I saw a Lawson closed down on the way back home.
I have never seen a convenience store having its lights turned off, like it's dead, and was kind of excited by the scene.
A week later, which was today, I saw that "once-it-was-a-Lawson" place became a Natural Lawson. Wow. The ice-cream fridge was replaced to the wine shelves. Wow.
あっけないな そう思ったのに 1週間後の今日 そこにあったのは ナチュロー (※ Natural Lawson)
I know, it's like, SO WHAT, right? I am so agree with you. So what?
Yet I just thought, maybe, if it is THAT easy to create a new convenience store, why not they try to install at least one of them somewhere near my parent house, which is 10 mins drive away from the nearest vending machine.
この驚異的なスピードをもって 実家の近くに一店舗 なんでもいいからコンビニ作ってくれないかと思う
店員は じいさんでも ばあさんでも 野生動物でもいいから
What am I talking about anyway?
So the point is, it is already July. I can't believe it.
I have been kind of busy recently, but at the same time, am having quite a good time.
今しがた フィルムスキャンをしながら 見ていたトランアンユン
綺麗な画が多すぎて お腹いっぱいになる
みずみずしい ゾクゾクする
アジア圏の映画の あの何とも言えない からみつくものは なんなのだろう
アピチャポンが見たくなったし 天使の惑星も見たくなった
そして青パパイヤのサラダと Grilled Pork with Vermicelli noodle が食べたい
いい映画は 結構な確率でフードポルノだ
Tran Anh Hung's movie, which I just had been watching as scanning my films, has a unique sense of eroticism and beauty.
It is so pure and.. I don't know, crude.
I just enjoy seeing his fresh, beautiful, and "juicy" images and appreciate that they simply let my creativity go further from its original visual ideas to create something new, which I hope.
I'll go to bed now, I am deadly sleepy.