そのまま三茶のドンキまで自転車を走らせて すぐ水泳キャップと水泳ゴーグルを買った
そんなことを思いながら 区民プールで2時間泳ぎ続けた
陸に上がった時に フラッとなって あぁやりすぎた と思った
でもカレーを食べて 元気100倍
夜は 久しぶりに渋谷で終電を逃して タクシーのおじちゃんと夜中のランデヴー
In the morning, I just had a strong urge to swim in a pool.
I hadn't swum for ages, and the only swim ware I could find was an eccentric cobalt blue one.
Getting a swim google and a swim cap at a nearby Don Quixote was pretty easy, they have everything.
I paid 400yen for the 2hr use of the indoor pool (indoor is great, I never forget how badly I was burn when I swam at the public pool in Mission district, S.F.) and kept swimming for almost entire 2hrs. I finally got out of the pool, and that's when I realized how tired I was that I did swim too much.
I can't know how much a bowl of saag chicken curry and a huge naan saved me afterthat.
At night, I missed my last train in Shibuya, the first time in years, and ended up grabbing a taxi.
The light I see in the water and the one I see from the running car window at night.. they are both so beautiful in their own way.