Back in February, I visited Ueno Zoo for the first time in my life.
This whole little trip was impulsively triggered and it all started when I came across this article on the magazine about "Panda-yaki(=Baked-Panda**)" sold just outside the main gate of Ueno zoo. [**little sweet pastry with redbean paste inside.] The next day, I was right there eating Panda-yaki just by myself.
It was a cloudy day. Or maybe not. I don't even remember.
At least, I enjoyed the time there. Very much, actually. I seriously thought I should had visited the place earlier and felt so sad that I didn't bring more than one roll of film. The animals were, just fantastic subjectwise. I could have taken 3 times more pictures only if I brought enough amount of films.
By the way, there was no panda. I was there for panda, and there was no panda.
According to the zoo, the pandas were too busy having babies. I guess there was nothing we could do, right?
On the way back to the station, I saw my acquaintance walking toward my direction with his friend. I first thought to simply go up to him and say "Hi!!" but then immediately had a second thought. WAIT, how is he going to react? Seeing me just by myself, out from the zoo, with my camera hanging from my neck?? (maybe this doesn't really matter but still) I didn't want to make any awkward atmosphere, especially when he's with his foreign friend, by being one sad girl who had just spent her afternoon watching animals and taking pictures of them all alone surrounded by those couples and families. I passed them.
By the way, panda-yaki was really tasty.
Everybody should try it IMO.