SWITCH スイッチ Vol.35 No.7 (2017年06月20日発売号)p154 Catch & Release にて マスター・オブ・ワイン(MW)・大橋 健一 氏を撮影させていただきました。 Featured work for the magazine “SWITCH” Vol.35 No.7 Issue. Here I had an opportunity to photograph Kenichi Ohashi, the very first Japanese person who was qualified as a Master of Wine(MW) in Japan.
ホンシェルジュさんにて、音楽評論家であり『Jazz The New Chapter』監修者の柳樂光隆さんを撮影させていただきました。
Did an interview shooting of Mr. Yagira, a writer/critic of music, especially jazz at this cool jazz cafe in Yotsuya.
”現代版ニューミュジック” GOOD BYE APRILさんの3rdミニアルバム「FLASH」のジャケット撮影をさせていただきました。見渡す限り何もない牧場での撮影、気持ちよかったです。6/11での渋谷での初のワンマンライブ、おじゃましてきましたが紅一点・延本さんのMCが下手なお笑いより全然面白くてびびりました(笑)「明日はきっと少しだけ」とても良い曲です。7/2(日)には、代官山・晴れたら空に豆まいてにて追加ワンマンライブを行うようですので、ぜひ。
DId the artwork for the 3rd album “flash” by GOOD BYE APRIL. So glad they liked my photos so much that they ended up creating other stuff like postcards and button badges. Their next live stage is on July 2nd at Haretara-sorani-mamemaite in Daikanyama.
Had a sweet opportunity to meet and photograph three beautiful ladies for "nanaoh" the magazine for every kimono-lovers, vol.50 Summer Issue. Mitsu Kusame runs a little kimono school in Taninaka and I really enjoyed her otaku talk over Japanese Yokai(lol). Nobuko Okubo who's known as the very first kimono coordinator in Japan(meaning in the world) told me pearl barley tea is great for smooth skin so I started drinking it like crazy since the day after. And lastly, Yuko Higashikawa, a sweet gallery owner/curator prepared me a yummy grilled panini in a beautiful traditional Japanese house in the mountain. (For more details, please visit this entry of my blog )
6/6発売dancyu7月号にて、連載シリーズ【しょくのしょくにん】(p166-169)で、大分県中津市の耶馬溪にある知る人ぞ知珈琲焙煎所兼カフェ「豆岳珈琲」の撮影をさせていただきました。Had a great opportunity to shoot for dancyu July issue, one of the most popular and my favorite food magazine in Japan. The featured pages(p166-169) are about this coffee roaster MAMETAKE COFFEE standing on top of the mountain of Oita, my hometown in Kyushu with full of nature.
At this magical coffee place run by Mr. and Mrs. Furuoka, a cup of speciality coffee (house-roasted & paper-dripped by hand) is priced only ¥300 (God..) and their homemade scrumptious cheese cakes and puddings are also all ¥300. It’s really surprising, but Mr. Furuoka says, “When we first started here, I was only expecting a few customers a day, maybe five to the most. I mean, this place is one-hour drive from the nearest station, and the car navigation doesn’t even work. We were just fine to make a living by selling coffee bean online, so the cafe was just a little bonus for the ambitious customers who came all the way up to here. But actually, we now have 100+ customers a day sometimes from all over Kyushu or even Japan, not to by coffee bean but to enjoy a cup of coffee here. It’s very interesting.
集英社[kotoba] 夏号、新連載「空間を再考しよう」第一弾として、90年ぶりに大幅な改築がなされる東京大学総合図書館別館関連の撮影をさせていただきました。自動化書庫で本のスペースをなくし、その分学生同士のコミュニケーションの場を創る...このfacebookが生まれたのもハーバードの学生寮からですし、新しいものを作り出すのに論議できる場があるというのはとても大切なことだと思います。
Featured work for the magazine "kotoba(=word in Japanese)" I photographed newly built (to be accurate, being under construction) library of Tokyo University designed by Mr. Kawazoe. He had studied at Delft University of Technology in Netherlands, where I happened to be almost a year ago to visit my friend who had graduated there. The library of the university was stunningly beautiful and the architecture was just so stylish. I wondered how it would be like to study at somewhere like that.. I guess I need to get born again to possibly have a brain that could put me in that prestigious university..
5/15発売のCOMMERCIAL PHOTO(コマーシャル・フォト) 6月号【新世代のフォトグラファー】特集に、34名の中の1人として載せていただきました。ありがとうございます。
Featured in the magazine “Commercial Photo” June Issue as one of the “34 New Generation Photographers.” Thanks so much.
As it’s been a year and a half since I started my career as a freelance photographer, I don’t think I’m doing good enough, to be honest. Yet I shall stop comparing myself with other “seemingly-successful” photographers, cuz it’s meaningless and waste of time. Rather I decided to do my best on each little job hoping it’ll bring me something bigger.
Well, anyway, spring is ending soon.
Time flies fast, surely.
5/7発売、小学館「Precious/プレシャス」6月号にて、世界の素敵な女性を紹介するシリーズ ”Life is So Precious”にて、株式会社お雑煮やさん所長、粕谷浩子さんを撮影させていただきました。
Featured portrait work of Hiroko Kasuya, the CEO of the company Ozouniyasan for Precious June Issue by Shougakukan. Her smile was like the sun, which I loved.
5/1発売美容専門誌「HAIRMODEヘアモード」6月号、p50-p55【彼女たちの輝ける理由】鎌倉のヘアサロン"AND THE BRICKS"の野口綾子さんヘアメイクの元、6ページ撮り下ろさせてもらいました。
hair&make-up: Ayako Noguchi
styling: Maruri Kawakami
photogarph: Sakie Miura
design: ThereThere(soup design)
今回はOlympus PENが大活躍でした。<最近のお気にカメラ
Featured work for "HAIRMODE" June Issue, the magazine targeted at hair-make-up artists. The theme of the shooting was "Brightness" and "Sparkling" as the day of the shooting was pretty dim rainy day(haha.) I tried my best to make the girls happy (that's the only thing I could possibly do) or at least make them LOOK happy I should say.. But in the end, they actually told me "it was fun!" as they also told me that was one of the most challenging shootings they ever had at the same time.
Featured work for food&culture magazine "dancyu" May issue
P142-p149 “We are, with Turmeric, here in SANJO. ”
Starting August of the last year, I came back to this place again and again, like 5 times to tell a sweet but complicated story of this one restaurant/public space called Sanjo Spice Lab. The editor in chief called upon me almost a year ago when I was goofing around at my friend’s apartment in Maastricht, Holland and said “Are you interested in shooting Turmeric? (well I’m pretty sure you do cuz you are such a curry freak.)” That’s how this whole thing started. I am so glad (yes, from bottom of my heart) that I had mentioned him that I loved curry a few months ago from the call. (The first time I met him.) Everybody I met in Sanjo, every meal I ate there, and everything whatever happened there, they were great. I never forget about this work throughout my career.
Biggest love and appreciation towards Mr. Ebe, who took me in the team.
Doughnut Or Donut? I mean, who cares? They are just beautiful, that's it. Born in America, natured in Japan, these donuts no longer exist, but when they did, everybody were crazy about them.
Big thanks to Cécile Éluard and their pâtissier Masahito Suzuki.
Featured article on MILESTONE run by Gendai Business, editted/written by Seiichiro Kuchiki, photographed by Sakie Miura.
スポーツライフスタイルをテーマにした雑誌『mark(マーク)』の最新号mark08 ”超・回復する旅“にて、山梨の”星のや富士”さんと”フフ山梨”さんを取材撮影させていただいています。
Had a great chance to shoot (and stay!) at this luxury resort hotel Hoshinoya-Fuji to report their “Digital Detox” plan which is starting this Apriil for the magazine “mark” vol.08. A few years ago I photographed Mr. Hoshino, the CEO of the company for some web-interview and since then I always wanted to try staying at this highly conceptualized hotel. I was to wait until I get “reasonably” rich, but hey, what a cool occupation I am having! I’d never thought Mt. Fuji as beautiful as I thought when I looked at them from a huge window of the room… The food was great, too.
It was such a beautiful day today and I can't be any happier that we all could gather up to have this great shooting at the beach of kamakura. (I just love them, Shiori, a great model and Rika, also a hair-makeup artist.)
It was just so fun that I even shot some videos, too.
Guys, it's 14th of March aka White Day (I don't know how many of you in the world know about this event, which seems to be only popular in Japan) For those of you who haven't decided what to give to your significance on this lovely day, there's a series of gourmet chocolates from Godiva. Starting this year, I'm shooting chocolates for official Instagram of Godiva Japan. I tried most of the chocolates I shot (haha, of course) and they are really good, honestly. So, yes, chocolate for White Day, why not?
3/7発売の七緒vol.49にて、正藍染職人の田中昭夫さんの仕事をドキュメントさせていただきました。 彼の4x5ポートレート、とても気に入っています。ここに書ききれないくらい素敵にエピソードが詰まった、本当に楽しい取材でした。
Had a great opportunity to document the work of Mr. Tanaka, a true indigo craftsman who, in this 21st century, still continue to keep the Japan Blue dye tradition which was around in Edo period. Everything I saw at his house/studio (I really don’t know how to refer it) was super interesting and original. The photographs are featured in nanaoh vol.49.
PLAN ”美容と経営プラン” 4月号にて、今回は3つのサロンの撮影を14ページほど担当させて頂きました。
Did a few shootings for PLAN Apr. issue. As always, the design is done so beautifully by Masashi Iwaki from “iwaki design office” and am so glad that I can participate in this magazine throughout the year. (By the way, i found myself having a strong love towards wigs through the shootings of this time as I had shot like 50 pics of wigs or whatever with wigs.) It’s really a shame that he, I mean, Iwaki-san has to leave this magazine. Anyway, I used sonyA for one hair-salon but used Leica M5 loaded with Agfa for the other two, and what I found was actually it’s easier and more simply to use film even though I had to print one by one in the darkroom regardless how small they would be used.
ad&d: masashi iwaki@iwaki design office
photograph: sakie miura (except for the cover)
p14-19 Lmano 仙川
p26-29 natural high sense 荒川
p40-43 bianca 鎌倉
I did a shooting for 2018 recruitment website of this company ORICOM the other day. It was only a few days that I "commuted" to the company in Ginza for the photo shoot, but I really enjoyed those days feeling as if I became one of their employees. (It's wonderful to work as a freelance, but at the same time I sometimes get attracted to the relationships called colleagues, Senpai and Kohai.) By the way, I found out there are so many cool, historical cafes in Ginza which I really want to come back for my own good.
Here's the special website of MIDORI-NO-KOYOU which I did the advertisement for the other day.
In the bottom of the page, you will find the special gallery showing fifteen pictures that are mostly done by Leica. Printing those pictures in a darkroom, I was reminded how beautiful the nature is. Really, I should go back in the forest once in a while, which by the way I am going to at the end of the month when I go back to my parent's house in Oita.
全国森林組合連合会の行う、森林の仕事のキャリアアップを支援する制度「緑の雇用」のメインビジュアルを担当させて頂きました。最高のスタッフと天気に恵まれ、本当に素晴らしい撮影が出来たと思います。関わった方々全員に感謝致します。【AD: Daiki Goto / RT: Masaya Ouchi / PH: Sakie Miura】
Had a fascinating chance to shoot for the National Federation of Foresty Cooperative(a.k.a. JForest) for their special education/training program of called MIDORI NO KOYOU(緑の雇用) It was such a great experience and I can’t be more honored to have been able to get involved with it. I want to thank everybody, especially Mr. Goto who picked me up as a photographer, for letting me to start my 2017 in a great way.
First two pictures were shot by Linhof, and the last one was shot by Leica.
とても面白い記事です、ぜひご覧になって下さい。 (続きは来週公開)
この度、ベルリンを拠点とする写真共有アプリEyeEmの運営するスタジオギャラリーEyeEm Studio (New Talents Gallery)にて、写真が展示されることになりました。(他のフォトグラファーたちとのグループ展形式です。)場所はベルリンのクロイツベルク、ニューヨークのマンハッタン、今月いっぱいの期間限定です。
I just had this opportunity to have my picture showed at the EyeEm Studios both in Berlin and New York City. (For more details, Click Here) Thank you Maddy, the EyeEm's talented photo curator and my sweet friend, for picking up my work! The photo's going to be seen throughout this month (2015, Dec.) Now I really want to visit Berlin. It must be so nice to photograph there at this time of the season..
ドバイで発刊されている、中東/北アフリカ出身のアーティストにフォーカスをあてたコンテンポラリーカルチャー雑誌BROWNBOOK #60 (2016 Nov/Dec号) にて、東京在住のパレスチナ人アーティストVladimir Tamariさんを12ページに渡って撮影させていただきました。(去年 #53 2015 Sep/Oct号で、レバノン人の母を持つ映画監督 Soraya Umewaka さんを撮影させていただいた以来です。※web記事はこちらから)
Featured work for Brownbook #60, 2016 Nov/Dec issue. Being its’ 10th anniversary issue, the magazine is about contemporary Palestine and how Palestinian people lives worldwide. (Last time I shot Soraya Umewaka for their "53 issue. Please check it.) So this time, I had this opportunity to shoot this super sweet, talented Palestine artist Vladimir Tamari who’s been living in Japan for 46 years. (The funny thing is that we happened to be neighbors!) He was so fun and humble that I almost forgot the difference between age and nationality. On the first day of shooting, we met at Nozawa Ryuunji Temple in Setagaya, and did a pretty relaxed shooting while he was painting JIZO statues there. It was quiet and peaceful, sometimes saw a person or a dog came by. As we finished the shooting of the day, he painted a portrait of me with his iPad, which was really sweet of him. On the second day, I visited his home(a.k.a studio/office/storage/workplace ) in the quiet neighborhood in Komazawa. I never forget the taste of the Arabic coffee his wife Kyoko made for me. It was really tasty. (Ever since that day, I occasionally make one myself at home.)
I really enjoyed the time with Vovo (nickname for Vladimir.) Thanks for the opportunity.
撮影の思い出を少し。日本に移住してきた2番目のパレスチナ人であるブラディミルは、とってもスウィートな74歳のおじいちゃん。家が近所だったこともあり、待ち合わせの野沢龍雲寺にキコキコ自転車をこいでやってきた彼。(こういっちゃ何だが、かなりボロいママチャリである。笑)その日は神社で彼がお地蔵さまの水彩画を描くのを撮ったり、ゆったりと大判でポートレートを撮ったり…。話しているうちに、年齢や国籍の差など忘れてしまうほど仲良くなる。記事の中で彼は”People look you in the eye in the Middle East when you talk to them, I miss that. (中東では、人に話すときは目を見て話す、それが恋しいかな。)”と言っているが、たしかに彼はじっと目を見て話してくれる。コミュニケーションにおいてすごく大事だよなぁ、なんてことを思っていると、iPadでぱぱぱっと私の似顔絵を描いてくれた。嬉しい…。ありがとう、ボボ(愛称)
ぜひご相談させていただければ 嬉しいです”
For "dancyu" December Issue, the most popular Gourmet magazine in Japan I should say, I did a shooting of this local food "Ryu-ku" for the opening "Yummy food all over Japan"pages. "Ryu-ku" is Oita's local food and it's a soysauce-based, marinated Sashimi if I put it in a simple way. For this shooting, I could get back to Oita, which is I'm from in Kyushu, and had a fabulous experiences there. For example, the fishers we visited lived in the area I had never been(It's quite far from the center of the city) and it was just great, especially the taste of the fish. Let me just tell you, if you know little about Kyushu. Basically, the fish there is like 10times better than those you can eat in Tokyo. But the fish I ate there? it was even better, like ridiculously fresh and tight in meat (well, the fishers told us that the fish was captured in the same day's morning, so no wonder..) So, Oita is good to visit for fresh Sashimi and of course for its hot springs. (Oita is the number one in Japan when it comes to hot springs, producing enough hot water every minute to fill a space the size of Tokyo Dome two and a half times over.)
So I did a documentary for this year’s Halloween in Shibuya, which as you imagine, was super crazy. The article is consisted of only photos only, which means.. no Japanese!! (except for those little captions..) The shooting itself was really exhausting , but was certainly so FUN. I appreciate this opportunity. Thank you!
「サニーデイ・サービス」の曽我部恵一さんと、真島昌利(マーシー)さん・真城めぐみさん・中森泰弘さんのバンド「ましまろ」さんを撮影させて頂きました。カセットテープ特集です。 たった2名(と1名のAD) の愛と熱量で作られた本誌は、取次を介していないため基本的に本屋には置いておらず、このVOL.9に関しては今の所Amazonのみの取り扱いとなっております。
My recent work for DONUT vol.9, a private magazine for Japanese Rock n' Roll. This latest issue is about cassette tape, which is made by only three people, two editors and one designer (plus three photographers including me.) It was such a honor that I could participate this great magazine. I shot Keiichi Sokabe, the leader of the band Sunnyday Service, and MASHIMARO the band led by Masatoshi Mashima, the former guitarist of The Blue Hearts.
My recent portrait work for "honcierge" the website which connects people and books (hon=book, book-concierge = honcierge) The interviewee was Ao-bozu, a Japanese rock band who I found were super nice people. vol.01, vol.02, vol.03 are available here.
As I recently fell in love with reading books (finally,) I learned the joy to recommend a book to others and successfully make them fall in love with it.
「作品を撮るつもりで、好きに撮って下さい。」と言われ、よーし!と4x5抱えてはりきって色々撮りましたが、最終的に選ばれたのは来ない電車を待ちながら駅のホームで何気なく撮った写真。 あぁそういうものなのかなぁ、と。
Did a shooting of the hairsalon "ASAGAYA3349" in Asagaya for the magazine PLAN Nov. issue, a management magazine for small salons.(p44-49.)
This time, I also did the cover photo.
Mr. Iwaki, the designer told me to take the photo as if I am making my own art. I shot several with my 4x5 Linhof, trying to make a really good one. They were not chosen. Instead, a photograph I took when I was killing some time was chosen. A very casual, everyday snap. I kind of liked that fact.
The neighborhood of Asagaya was pretty fun to explore. There suddenly appeared a spice shop run by an Indian guy (who was stealing at me) and then I saw this strange real estate agency that has numbers of hand-written real estate’s ads in different colors pasted all over the building, covering up everything. And I loved a tiny baked shop located across the hair salon. I forgot the name of it though.
現代ビジネスさんによる新たなブランデッドメディア「MILESTONE ~ 挑戦で未来を拓け 」にて、元オリンピック陸上選手の朝原宣治さんを撮影させてもらってます。記念すべき初回、嬉しいです。前編はこちらから。
Did a shooting of Olympic Medalist Nobuharu Asahara for Gendai Business's new branded media "Milestone." (It's available HERE.) It was a beautiful sunny day in Osaka. I printed these portrait pictures carefully in a darkroom, thinking back that precious one-day trip. Thanks for this opportunity.
SWITCH 2016 no.10 にて、監督の大根仁さんを撮影させて頂きました。
Did a shooting for the magazine Switch no.10, 2016. The film director Hitoshi One was surely an interesting, unique guy. His super frank talk was putting all of us in a bit awkward situation (which was funny.)
「コマーシャルフォト commercial photo」10月号にて、ニューカマーのフォトグラファーとして紹介させていただきました。ありがとうございます。
Recently I had this cool opportunity to get introduced as a new-comer photographer in the magazine “commercial photo” Oct. Issue. It’s kind of a great thing as I’ve been with this magazine since I was a photography student in San Francisco (wonder how I could afford $20+ every month though!) Through this magazine, I found Mrs. Torisu, my master of photography, and ended up working as a apprentice for her for the following 1.5 years thankfully.. In short, I have a lot of appreciation for this magazine, and want to thank Mrs. Ogawa who let me be the part of this magazine this time. Now, I would work harder so that I can be on their official Photographer’s File someday soon.
「ベジィ Veggy」vol.48にて、映画「あまくてにがい」で主演を務めた林遣都さん・川口春奈さんのお二人を撮影させていただきました。
Recent work for "veggy vol.48", the first vegetarian magazine in Japan.
「七緒 nanaoh」vol.47秋号、「三者三様。着せ替え大会(p34-p49)」にて、着物スタイリストのコバヤシクミさん・秋月洋子さん・大野らふさんのお三方を撮影させて頂きました。インタビュー中もちゃっかり居座って、着物スタイリングの世界を堪能...これははまりそう。是非、特に女性の方、お手にとってご覧ください。洋服よりも高いレベルのコーディーネートが要求される着物、かっこよく着れるようになりたいものです。
Here are the recent shooting for the magazine "nanaoh" Fall 2016 issue (p34, p49.)Everytime I shoot for this magazine, which is specialized in Japanese traditional kimono ( and yukata,) I feel like I am so lucky being a Japanese. Seriously, there are A LOT going on about wearing a kimono. Pretty or cool, whichever you like, you can go for it.
「美容の経営プランPLAN」10月号にて、板橋区にあるGift Rico様(p26-31)ならびに栃木県・益子にある organic hair salon 様 (p90-91)の撮影をさせていただきました。板橋区では八百屋さんの野菜の価格破壊に驚き、益子ではその素晴らしい自然環境と味のある益子焼きに魅了され...。野菜は買いませんでしたが、益子焼きはちゃっかり買って帰りました。以来、毎日の食卓をつつましく飾ってくれます。愛おしい。
The featured work for the magazine PLAN Oct. issue, a management magazine for small salons(p26-31, p90-91.)
This time I had chance to shoot two different salons in two two different cities, one is in east Tokyo and one is in Mashie, Tochighi. In the neighborhood of east Tokyo, I was stunned by the price of vegetables they sold, which were super cheap, and in Mashiko, I truly enjoyed its environment and its famous Mashiko-Yaki, of which I ended up buying one.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the shootings as always.
I love the moment to think back of the time as I print the pictures one by one in a darkroom.
美容の経営プランPLAN (女性モード社) 2016年8月号にて、宇都宮市にある美容室「隆」さんを撮影させていただきました。昭和な雰囲気漂う、素敵な美容室。東京とは違うスピードで流れる時間、にカシャカシャと思い切りライカを切りました。(p12-15, p30-33)
The featured work for the magazine PLAN, a management magazine for small salons(p12-15, p30-33.)
I visited this small salon RYU in Utsunomiya, Ibaraki, and had a great, quiet time there. With my Leica in my hand, that was my far-enjoyable work ever done. Thanks Yuki Morita, my good friend of photographer who referred me to the art-director.
七緒 vol.46 夏号 「穂村弘のぼくのゆかた日記(p96-97)」にて、歌人の穂村弘さんを撮影させていただきました。
For the magazine "nanao" vol.46, 2016 Summer issue, I had an opportunity to photograph Mr. Homura Hiroshi, a well-known poet in Japan. (p.96-p.97)
CREA5月号【人生に大事なもの3つ。】The magazine "CREA" May 2016 issue.
Had an opportunity to introduce my favourite three Indian curry restaurants on the page "The three best naans I need in my life"(p.46) as providing the pictures itself.
Also I shot for the page "The three most important things the minimalists would choose."(p80-83) which featured Kazuaki Kiriya, Edo Tsuwaki and else.
The portrait picture I did was used for the cover of "If I was 25, I have 50 things I want to do." by Yataro Matsuura.
The work I did for the page "Face" of the magazine "Number" issue 897.
講談社・現代ビジネス ぼくらのメディアはどこにある?
"Where's Our MEDIA?" by Gendai-Business, Kodansha
講談社・現代ビジネス ぼくらのメディアはどこにある?
"Where's Our MEDIA?" by Gendai-Business, Kodansha
mark Fall/Winter 2015 [~BACK TO NATURE~ 野生に還るための食とトレーニング]
P.015 スポーツと食がテーマのサンデーヨガワークショップ by OYM
BROWNBOOK No.53 "The Offices Issue"
P90-101 "Soraya Umewaka" Photographed by Sakie Miura
BROWNBOOK WEB "Soraya Umewaka"
講談社・現代ビジネス ぼくらのメディアはどこにある?
"Where's Our MEDIA?" by Gendai-Business, Kodansha
ハヤカワ五味「人に影響を与える仕事」Interview with Gomi Hayakawa
こども服のお店 "シルケルモーテ" Children's Clothing Store "Cirkel Mote"
「二人のたけすえしおり 」
モデル: 武居詩織 (たけすえ しおり)
撮影: 三浦咲恵、山本春花
会期: 6月11日 (木) ~ 6月14日 (日)
時間: 11:00 〜 21:00 * 最終日17時まで
パネリスト: 武居詩織、三浦咲恵、山本春花
日時: 6月14日 (日) 13:00 〜 14:00
会場: ギャラリー・ルデコ
住所: 東京都渋谷区渋谷3-16-3 ルデコビル1階
TEL: 03‐5485-5188
主催: フォトニコ実行委員会
HP: www.photo-nico.com
体力と紙の限界の為、19部限定です 増版はなしです(つかれるので 笑)
3000円(税別)なり お手頃!
The group exhibition is upcoming on this Friday.
For the exhibition, I made a new zine, which is the set of six contact sheets of three different scenes.
The title is "Girls with Food," and they are all about girls with food, period.
Because of the limit of the photo papers and my strength, only 19 are available.
3000yen +tax.
For a background story of the printing work in the darkroom, please go read my blog → Printing in Dark
5/8(金)から、渋谷にあるtokyo arts galleryにて他18名の写真家さん達に混じって展示します。
GW明けのフワフワした気持ちで 覗きにきて下さい
「tokyo photo mart」
tokyo arts gallery
11:00-20:00 月曜休廊 ※最終日18時まで
*オープニングレセプション* 5/8(金) 18:00-20:00
Starting from May 8th, I'm going to show my new work in the exhibition "tokyo photo mart" which takes place at tokyo art gallery in Shibuya. There are 18 more photographers who's going to join the exhibition and I'm going to put only one photograph and a photobook. Please come see it if you happened to have some free time in Shibuya in the mid of May.
More Info >コチラ。※Japanese
tokyo arts gallery
2-23-8 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo,
11:00am-8:00pm Monday Closed ※Last Day Will Close At 6pm
*Opening Reception* 5/8(Fri) 6:00pm-8:00pm
CLEANSING CAFE Daikanyama クレンジングカフェ代官山
Curet キュレット