同じ大分出身のデザイナー、Ryosuke Otaniさんのポートレートを撮影させて頂きました
【kotoba vol.52】巻頭 山本博文教授(日本近世史学者)/ p103 鈴木敏夫プロデューサー(スタジオジブリ)他
【プレシャス 2018 1月号】p35 ”Life is so precious! ” 東京ワイナリー店主・越後屋美和さん
焼きたてチーズタルトのお店 BAKE/ベイクさんのポスターを撮影させていただきました。
Featured work for BAKE, a very popular freshly-baked cheesecake shop based in Tokyo. (They have 18 shops throughout Japan and 26 other all over Asian countries inc. Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thai...etc.) Now it's on view at the newly opened shop in Hiroshima, and is also going to be at the shop in IKSPIARI (the shopping mall in Tokyo Disney Resort.)
The shooting was done by 4x5 large format film camera (Linhof, super technika) during the opening hours at their head store in Jiyugaoka. They were busy and I was just a strange person standing at the corner, with a big whatever mechanical thing(=a camera), covered by a black velvet cloth. It was fun, and the bunch of cheesecakes I got after the shoot was so yummy. They really should open a shop in San Francisco if time comes...
The work I did for Japan Forest Association is now on view on JR East, Odakyu, Seibu, Tobu, Keisei, and a few selected Metro lines. The shooting itself took place almost a year ago, and I’m so glad I could see my photograph appeared again like this in a different way. If you had a chance, please take a look, even a short movie is being played by side exclusively on the new Yamanote line.
10/25発売・美容の経営プラン”PLAN”特別編集「こんなところにこんなサロン」にて、表紙と二つのサロンの撮影を担当させていただきました。organic hair salonさん(表紙, p18-21)は栃木県益子町にひっそりとあるセット面ひとつのシンプルすぎるヘアサロン。Hammock Hair Salon COCONAさん(p52-55)は高円寺にある世界初&唯一(?)のハンモック美容室さん。個性的すぎるサロンばかりで楽しい、デザインも本当に素敵なムック本です。見つけた際はぜひお手にとってみて下さい。(デザインはiwaki design officeさん) Featured work for “Konnatokoroni Konna Salon (This kind of salon in this kind of place)”, specially edited magazine which introduces super unique hair salons all over Japan. I did the cover and the photos of two different hair salons, one is organic hair salon in Mashiko city in Tochigi, and the other is COCONA in Koenji which use hammock instead of regular chairs. The book is designed by Masashi Iwaki from iwaki design office, which I think is one of the coolest design office in Tokyo. Please take a look if you found it in a bookstore.
Ten page long portrait work of Japanese idol Miona Hori from Nogizaka 46 for Brody December issue.
The shooting took place in one of the busiest and the most fashionable streets in Tokyo, Omotesando, and I shot them all with film (Makina 46 for widespread page and b1 sized poster, and Leica for others) It was my very first time to shoot an idol and I have to say, it was really fun, since the girl was so photogenic and knew how to show herself. I didn’t need to tell her what to do, all I did was to click a shutter every time I found her attractive. (My favorite shot is the one she’s eating her egg Benedict with a big smile.)
Did a three-page portrait work of two members of Japanese idol group Arashi for girl’s magazine nonno December issue. The theme was “warm&fluffy” yet the shooting took place on one of the hottest days in the summer of 2017. I can’t be more grateful to these two gentlemen who kindly let me take their pictures without any troubles.
使用カメラ>Makina67, LeicaM5
Featured photography work for the interview article of Issei Yamamoto, the developer of "ponanza" the smartest shogi engine which had beat world's shogi champions. Very interesting article. Japanese only.
Featured work for BROWNBOOK Vol.64 Taxies issue. (Yes, taxies, not Texas. The stories of road trip with five taxi drivers from the Middle East and East/North Africa.) It’s available all over the world, I guess, except for my own county Japan whose TSUTAYA takes usually 4-5 months until they import BROWNBOOK’s latest issue. So this time, instead of taking a cab in Middle East which I really wanted if I was allowed, I took Tokyo metro all the way to the East side of Tokyo, Naka-Okachimachi and documented this cool Mosque named As Salaam Foundation for the magazine’s architecture section. (p68-81) To learn about the mosque, please get the magazine and read the article because I don’t know. (What a shame.) All what I know, though, is how Islamic people there are nice and polite and also how the dinner they offered me were all so good. God, I love curry.
ドバイ発のカルチャー誌”BROWNBOOK” Vol.64「タクシーの旅」にて、東京・仲御徒町にあるモスクの撮影を14ページほど担当しました(p68-81)この号のメイン特集は中東から東/北アフリカを5人のタクシードライバーと共に織りなすロードトリップですが(めっちゃ面白そう)私が今回担当したのは「建築」のページでして、中東のロードトリップの代わりに東京下町をうろちょろしながら撮ったものです。実はまだ記事を読んでないので、この美しきモスクの成り立ちについては私さっぱり分からないんですが、とりあえず分かるのはそこにいるイスラムの人たちがとっても親切で暖かくてナイスな人たちだったということです。相手への優しさともてなしの心は、イスラムの代表的な特徴ですね。(イスラムってなんか怖い…と思っている方は、「となりのイスラム(ミシマ社)」という本を読んでみて下さい。彼らに対して急に親しみを感じると思います)あとお腹ぽっこり&笑顔が可愛い照れ屋のシェフが作るお祈り後のディナー(スパイス料理!)がめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです。
※ちなみに今の段階でこの最新号は蔦屋代官山にも置いておらず、日本で手に入れるには個人輸入しかありません>< アメリカをはじめ、他の国々には置いていると思うんですがいかに。)
9/7発売の七緒Vol.51 【素敵な「襟元」ってどういうこと?】p74-p75にて、”銀座みを木”の渡邉愛さん、本郷の金魚問屋”金魚坂”の吉田智子さん、大井町”一期や”の小鶴さんを撮影させていただきました。みなさん個性的で素敵な女性たちで、お話を聞いているだけで楽しい撮影でした。Featured work for nanaoh Vol.51, p76-75 focuing on three female's unique Erimoto(=front of neck collar.)
LGBTの家族のためのコミュニティー【にじいろかぞく】の代表、小野春さんを撮影させていただきました。子育てメディア、コノビー(conobie)さんの全2回の記事になります。普通の家族って何?本当の家族って?LGBTに興味のある方はもちろん、そうでない方に是非読んでほしいです。Done a interview shooting of Haru Ono who runs the website Nijiiro-kazoku(=Rainbow Family in Japanese) as she is a LGBT herself living with his partner. For the first time, I was asked to make a portrait of a person without showing his/her face. Surprisingly it was not that difficult than I thought as I realized how a person can be that person by the way he/she stands, talks or even exists.
「好きだから、家族になった」ママがふたりの“LGBT家族”ができるまで [前編]
血縁や苗字にとらわれない。シンプルに繋がる家族のカタチ [後編]
チーズケーキで有名なBAKEさんが運営するお菓子専門のメディア『CAKE.TOKYO(ケーキドットトーキョー)』の新連載第一回目にて、滋賀の製菓工場「たねや/クラブハリエ」の撮影を担当させていただきました。たねや (随時更新中) 会社のコンセプトがうんとつまった空間【ラ・コリーナ近江八幡】は訪れる人が口を揃えて「ジブリの世界みたい…」とつぶやく藤森照信氏デザインの壮大なフラグシップ店。そこで年二回発刊される無料冊子もほんとに素敵で(表紙は川内倫子さん、中身も豪華)ぜひ訪れてほしいところ。
【おまけ】ちなみに今渋谷ヒカリエ8階で開催中の「NIPPONの47人 2017 これからの暮らしかた - Off-Grid Life -」にて、滋賀県代表として”たねや・クラブハリエ(ラコリーナ近江八幡)”が選ばれております。勝手に嬉しい!
Featured work for CAKE.TOKYO, the website specialized in all kinds of sweets all over Japan. This time, we took Shinkansen down to Shiga(near Kyoto) to interview/photograph what’s going on at this leading sweet company Taneya(&Club Harie) based in Shiga. "TANEYA (to be continued)" Their flagship store named “La Colina Omihachiman” looks as if it’s directly out of Hayao Miyazaki’s films, and the free booklets they publish twice a year are so well designed that you can simply enjoy just by looking at their photographs (the cover pictures are always done by Rinko Kawauchi, which makes it even exciting) During the two days stay at La Colina, I could see how the people working there love their work and feel fully proud of what they are doing. Having taken over 3000 pictures, I was really tired but somehow, feeling so nice when I left the place. I shall never forget the taste of their baumkuchen hot out of the oven.
Commissioned Work for UNIQLO summer gift card. The ad can be seen at any uniqlo stores in the country (over 3000+) and also on the website. Thanks for this great opportunity, I'm so freaking honored
We had some time to kill during the shoot, so I took out my Makina 67 and made some portraits of the staff.
Thanks for having me in this wonderful group.